My story is simple. I love stories. This love took me to London, England where I pursued a BA in Theater Arts. It led me to puppetry and Aerial arts and more recently this love of stories took me to Knoxville, Tennessee where I received my MFA in Acting.

While in Knoxville I discovered one of my favorite forms of storytelling and story exploration was and is physical movement. Any kind of movement: yoga, dance (contemporary, classical, social), Suzuki, Laban, aerial arts, etc., but the medium that most captured my creative spirit was Corporeal Mime. Corporeal Mime has a way of making the invisible world tangible and it can speak to people in a way words struggle to do.

I love playing characters. Dumb, weird, eccentric characters. I also discovered, I love playing the villain.. mostly because it’s serious fun.

I’m an actor, I’m a movement junkie, and I’m a lover of stories. I love to tell stories but I also like to be a part of their design whether that’s teaching or working as a movement director.